Belong Aotearoa

Belong Aotearoa drive transformational change to improve inclusion, belonging and wellbeing to refugee-background and migrant communities.

Impact Evaluation (2022-2023)

This impact evaluation found that the wellbeing of refugee and migrant women and their wider families has been positively impacted through several Belong Aotearoa community programmes. Specific outcomes for women and their families includea a greater sense of community and more opportunities to connect
with their culture, improvements in conversational English skills, renewed confidence, and pathways to employment.

A number of key factors were identified that made Belong Aotearoa programmes successful. These include: a strong focus on former refugee and migrant women, a place-based approach with a supportive host, a ‘ground-up’ approach to programme development, high relational practice, the use of a peer-lead and supported approach, and strong cross-sector collaboration.

Belong Aotearoa recently shifted away from programme delivery a focus on systems change. This report into the unique strengths of Belong Aotearoa shows how these can be utilised to support their system change work moving forward.

You can download the report here

Kahika Programme Pilot

The Kahika programme aimed to address the needs of marginalised migrant women who need viable pathways to progress their education, employment, and enterprise opportunities.

Point evaluated the Pilot programme in July 2021. You can download the evaluation report here

Nadine Metzger