The experience of Takatāpui and Rainbow rangatahi in care
This report, commissioned by the Oranga Tamariki Voices of Children and Young People's (VoCYP) team and led by Point and a community design team, centres on what takatāpui and rainbow care-experienced rangatahi want Oranga Tamariki to know about them and their experiences of care.
Experiences of COVID-19 for takatāpui, queer, gender diverse and intersex young people (2020)
Julie Radford-Poupard and The Ministry of Youth Development - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi (MYD) undertook this research to better understand Rainbow young peoples’ (16-24 year-olds) experiences of COVID-19 during alert level 3 and 4 lockdowns and the pandemic generally.
Rainbow Youth evaluation framework and practice safety review (2020)
RainbowYOUTH commissioned Point to do a safety review to ensure clear processes for managing risk which align to best practice and to evidence the way the service creates positive change for young people, their whānau and the community.