The Rānui Accord Community-Led Research
This “Amazing Race” style community-led research project found that the Rānui community hope for a safe, family-friendly environment, more parks, events, and improved emergency preparedness
Student, whānau and parent insights for the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy
In recounting their positive experiences with literacy & communication and maths, students, whānau and parents helped to provide some clarity around what learning looks and feels like when it’s successful, the role of whānau and parents in contributing to this success, and what indicators show it’s working.
Income and housing security amongst creatives in Aotearoa
The arts enable us to thrive. A vibrant arts, culture, and creative sector is a vital part of community. An investment in the arts, culture, and creativity is an investment in our wellbeing. This report helps us to better understand the extent and impact of income and housing insecurity, and the level of interest in artists’ community housing and the Universal Basic Income (UBI).
The experience of Takatāpui and Rainbow rangatahi in care
This report, commissioned by the Oranga Tamariki Voices of Children and Young People's (VoCYP) team and led by Point and a community design team, centres on what takatāpui and rainbow care-experienced rangatahi want Oranga Tamariki to know about them and their experiences of care.
People's Inquiry into Student Wellbeing 2022
Research conducted by Dr. Tony O’Connor for the Green Party found that hardship and distress experienced by many students may be leading to poorer tertiary education outcomes for New Zealand’s future leaders
Whakarongorau | Safe To Talk Testing Campaign Concepts
The Safe to talk service is for people who have been affected by sexual harm and want information, and/or support. Point tested five different campaign concepts with a diverse range of youth/rangatahi in Auckland and Northland.
Cystic Fibrosis NZ Support Needs
Working alongside CFNZ, Point is surveying the people with CF, family and health professionals about their community-based support needs and what CFNZ can do to best meet those needs.
Experiences of COVID-19 for takatāpui, queer, gender diverse and intersex young people (2020)
Julie Radford-Poupard and The Ministry of Youth Development - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi (MYD) undertook this research to better understand Rainbow young peoples’ (16-24 year-olds) experiences of COVID-19 during alert level 3 and 4 lockdowns and the pandemic generally.
Young people’s experience of communication within youth justice in Aotearoa New Zealand (2017)
Thirteen young people who have experience with the youth justice system in New Zealand were interviewed in July and August 2017. This report shares these young peoples’ experiences of communication, and voices their ideas about the youth justice workforce.
Voices of tamariki and rangatahi in care: Ombudsman research (2020 - 2021)
This research was commissioned by the Ombudsman to provide key insights into the design of new communications channels and content to support and facilitate the Children in Care complaints process.
Project Restore
Restorative justice is an opportunity for people who have been harmed, and those responsible for the harm, to come together talk about what happened and why, how they have been harmed. Point is working with Project Restore to evaluate their restorative justice model.
Auckland Museum Natural Sciences Gallery Feasibility Study (2021)
Auckland Museum commissioned Point to undertake a feasibility study of the redevelopment of the Natural Science Galleries.
Auckland Central Library Report (2020)
Auckland Council commissioned Point to find out how people use Auckland Central Library, what is most valued by users and their future needs and aspirations to inform a business case for redevelopment of the library.
Building One (2020)
Point undertook a needs analysis to help Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau and the Crown (the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development better understand how this heritage site could be given a new lease of life as a cultural heritage, community arts, creative and well-being hub while it is vacant, and its longer-term future is decided.
Flatbush/Ormiston Community Needs Assessment (Auckland Council) (2018)
Point surveyed residents and partnered with community organisations and businesses to run workshops and community meetings to identify activities and approaches to bridging social capital.
Patient Experience: What Matters Most (2011 - current)
Since 2011 Point has collaborated with DHB’s and private providers to capture the areas of patient experience most important to patients and their whānau and families.
OSCAR National Survey 2019: Parents’ Needs and Experiences of Out of School Care (2020)
This research, which involved 2,188 parents will assist MSD to ensure quality care outcomes for children who participant in OSCN, and help parents stay in and/or enter employment, especially for people vulnerable to poor employment outcomes.
MND New Zealand national support needs survey (2019)
Nearly 5,000 people with MND, family members and carers, and health professionals participated in this research to help MND New Zealand better understand their current and future needs, how they were performing and valued, and how they can continue to achieve their vision.
Management of patient deterioration: national staff survey
This research, conducted in 2017 and 2019 identified where issues of knowledge, culture or communication impact on current processes for escalating care.
Positively disrupting systems to improve outcomes for teen parents and their tamariki (2018)
This project considered how systems might be improved to remove barriers which stop young parents from achieving their ultimate goal to give their children a better life.