The Rānui Accord Community-Led Research
This “Amazing Race” style community-led research project found that the Rānui community hope for a safe, family-friendly environment, more parks, events, and improved emergency preparedness
Student, whānau and parent insights for the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy
In recounting their positive experiences with literacy & communication and maths, students, whānau and parents helped to provide some clarity around what learning looks and feels like when it’s successful, the role of whānau and parents in contributing to this success, and what indicators show it’s working.
Belong Aotearoa
Annalise Myers and Kelly Maung worked with Belong Aotearoa to understand how they have positively impacted the wellbeing of refugee and migrant women and their families.
Todd Foundation Learning Partners
Todd and Point have partnered to create a simple, developmental evaluation framework to help understand and evaluate their contributions to more equitable systems
Voices of tamariki and rangatahi in care: Ombudsman research (2020 - 2021)
This research was commissioned by the Ombudsman to provide key insights into the design of new communications channels and content to support and facilitate the Children in Care complaints process.
Hei Māreikura, Hei Mauriora (MPHS Community) (2017-2019)
This evaluation captured the impact of a community-based coaching initiative that empowers vulnerable women.
Positively disrupting systems to improve outcomes for teen parents and their tamariki (2018)
This project considered how systems might be improved to remove barriers which stop young parents from achieving their ultimate goal to give their children a better life.
Understanding the experiences of new migrant parents (2018)
This research, funded by the New Zealand Lotteries Research Fund, aims to better understand the parenting practices of new migrants in Auckland’s North Shore communities.