The Rānui Accord Community-Led Research
This “Amazing Race” style community-led research project found that the Rānui community hope for a safe, family-friendly environment, more parks, events, and improved emergency preparedness
Scouts Safeguarding Policy
Policies for children need to be accessible to children. One of our Point families, the DubP whanau, believes this so strongly that they redesigned the Scouts Child Safeguarding Policy, which is now being shared with every Scouts group in Aotearoa.
Showing Impact: a Toolkit for Auckland local board-funded groups (2019)
This step-by-step social impact measurement process helps Auckland local board-funded groups to: create a simple social impact (contribution) statement; create a simple plan to help assess impact; Understand what basic data needs to be collected, and the tools to collect it; and report on the changes and learn and make adapt in response to feedback.
Flatbush/Ormiston Community Needs Assessment (Auckland Council) (2018)
Point surveyed residents and partnered with community organisations and businesses to run workshops and community meetings to identify activities and approaches to bridging social capital.