Kōhine Toa
A developmental evaluation to support intensive & individualised support, coaching and mentoring for kōhine toa in Tamaki Makaurau
Student, whānau and parent insights for the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy
In recounting their positive experiences with literacy & communication and maths, students, whānau and parents helped to provide some clarity around what learning looks and feels like when it’s successful, the role of whānau and parents in contributing to this success, and what indicators show it’s working.
People's Inquiry into Student Wellbeing 2022
Research conducted by Dr. Tony O’Connor for the Green Party found that hardship and distress experienced by many students may be leading to poorer tertiary education outcomes for New Zealand’s future leaders
Paired Up Service Evaluation (2019 - 2020)
Peers support workers who have their own experiences of mental distress support young people to develop skills and resources to get through the tough times.
Bridge to Employment (2017 - 2019)
Working together, Johnson & Johnson, secondary and postsecondary schools, and community organizations develop programs that feature academic enrichment, career readiness and exploration activities, and higher education preparation.
Connecting communities and education (2010 - 2020)
CEC was a 10-year, multi site initiative of the JR McKenzie Trust for which Point provided evaluation support and guidance.
Toko Collaboration Mangere College Manawa Hauora Wellbeing project (2018 - 2020)
TOKO has been working with Mangere College for three years on the Manawa Hauora project, to increase the wellbeing of all students. Point has been providing evaluation support throughout the project.
OSCAR National Survey 2019: Parents’ Needs and Experiences of Out of School Care (2020)
This research, which involved 2,188 parents will assist MSD to ensure quality care outcomes for children who participant in OSCN, and help parents stay in and/or enter employment, especially for people vulnerable to poor employment outcomes.