The Rānui Accord Community-Led Research
This “Amazing Race” style community-led research project found that the Rānui community hope for a safe, family-friendly environment, more parks, events, and improved emergency preparedness
Belong Aotearoa
Annalise Myers and Kelly Maung worked with Belong Aotearoa to understand how they have positively impacted the wellbeing of refugee and migrant women and their families.
Howick Chinese New Year Project (2020)
Point engaged with residents in Puketāpapa who celebrate Lunar New Year to understand how they want to celebrate future festivals.
Connecting communities and education (2010 - 2020)
CEC was a 10-year, multi site initiative of the JR McKenzie Trust for which Point provided evaluation support and guidance.
Showing Impact: a Toolkit for Auckland local board-funded groups (2019)
This step-by-step social impact measurement process helps Auckland local board-funded groups to: create a simple social impact (contribution) statement; create a simple plan to help assess impact; Understand what basic data needs to be collected, and the tools to collect it; and report on the changes and learn and make adapt in response to feedback.
Diversity in Parks (Puketāpapa, Maungakiekie-Tāmaki and Howick Local Boards) (2018)
Point engaged with diverse communities in three local boards to understand how local parks were valued and used and what future development and programming was needed to better serve local communities.
Understanding the experiences of new migrant parents (2018)
This research, funded by the New Zealand Lotteries Research Fund, aims to better understand the parenting practices of new migrants in Auckland’s North Shore communities.