Scouts Safeguarding Policy
Policies for children need to be accessible to children. One of our Point families, the DubP whanau, believes this so strongly that they redesigned the Scouts Child Safeguarding Policy, which is now being shared with every Scouts group in Aotearoa.
The experience of Takatāpui and Rainbow rangatahi in care
This report, commissioned by the Oranga Tamariki Voices of Children and Young People's (VoCYP) team and led by Point and a community design team, centres on what takatāpui and rainbow care-experienced rangatahi want Oranga Tamariki to know about them and their experiences of care.
People's Inquiry into Student Wellbeing 2022
Research conducted by Dr. Tony O’Connor for the Green Party found that hardship and distress experienced by many students may be leading to poorer tertiary education outcomes for New Zealand’s future leaders
Whakarongorau | Safe To Talk Testing Campaign Concepts
The Safe to talk service is for people who have been affected by sexual harm and want information, and/or support. Point tested five different campaign concepts with a diverse range of youth/rangatahi in Auckland and Northland.
Scouts Aotearoa (current)
Scouts Aotearoa want to better understand the benefits and impacts of the scouting movement. Point has worked with Scouts Aotearoa to develop ongoing evaluation framework enabling them to monitor progress, create a culture of continuous improvement and measure outcomes and impacts.
Experiences of COVID-19 for takatāpui, queer, gender diverse and intersex young people (2020)
Julie Radford-Poupard and The Ministry of Youth Development - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi (MYD) undertook this research to better understand Rainbow young peoples’ (16-24 year-olds) experiences of COVID-19 during alert level 3 and 4 lockdowns and the pandemic generally.
Billy Graham Youth Foundation Evaluation (2019-current)
The Billy Graham Foundation wants to have “national impact at the local level” and “learn as we go”. The Foundation have partnered with Point for three years to understand the impact they are having on young people and their host communities, and identify where there are opportunities for improvement so the Foundation and the academies can achieve their vision.
Paired Up Service Evaluation (2019 - 2020)
Peers support workers who have their own experiences of mental distress support young people to develop skills and resources to get through the tough times.
Bridge to Employment (2017 - 2019)
Working together, Johnson & Johnson, secondary and postsecondary schools, and community organizations develop programs that feature academic enrichment, career readiness and exploration activities, and higher education preparation.
Young people’s experience of communication within youth justice in Aotearoa New Zealand (2017)
Thirteen young people who have experience with the youth justice system in New Zealand were interviewed in July and August 2017. This report shares these young peoples’ experiences of communication, and voices their ideas about the youth justice workforce.
“This is Our Story” Evaluation of the Ranui 135 youth agency (2016)
West Auckland-based youth agency Ranui 135 coordinates services and activities, including mentoring, leadership camps, weekly sports activities, career planning, employment pathways and a new social media project which upskills young people in event planning and management.
Voices of tamariki and rangatahi in care: Ombudsman research (2020 - 2021)
This research was commissioned by the Ombudsman to provide key insights into the design of new communications channels and content to support and facilitate the Children in Care complaints process.
Showing Impact: a Toolkit for Auckland local board-funded groups (2019)
This step-by-step social impact measurement process helps Auckland local board-funded groups to: create a simple social impact (contribution) statement; create a simple plan to help assess impact; Understand what basic data needs to be collected, and the tools to collect it; and report on the changes and learn and make adapt in response to feedback.
Toko Collaboration Mangere College Manawa Hauora Wellbeing project (2018 - 2020)
TOKO has been working with Mangere College for three years on the Manawa Hauora project, to increase the wellbeing of all students. Point has been providing evaluation support throughout the project.
OSCAR National Survey 2019: Parents’ Needs and Experiences of Out of School Care (2020)
This research, which involved 2,188 parents will assist MSD to ensure quality care outcomes for children who participant in OSCN, and help parents stay in and/or enter employment, especially for people vulnerable to poor employment outcomes.
Positively disrupting systems to improve outcomes for teen parents and their tamariki (2018)
This project considered how systems might be improved to remove barriers which stop young parents from achieving their ultimate goal to give their children a better life.
Storytime and the Early Reading Together® Programme (2018)
This report provides some early evaluative findings of the prison extension to Storytime and the emergence of the Early Reading Together® Programme.