Scouts Aotearoa (current)
Scouts Aotearoa want to better understand the benefits and impacts of the scouting movement. Point has worked with Scouts Aotearoa to develop ongoing evaluation framework enabling them to monitor progress, create a culture of continuous improvement and measure outcomes and impacts.
Cystic Fibrosis NZ Support Needs
Working alongside CFNZ, Point is surveying the people with CF, family and health professionals about their community-based support needs and what CFNZ can do to best meet those needs.
Experiences of COVID-19 for takatāpui, queer, gender diverse and intersex young people (2020)
Julie Radford-Poupard and The Ministry of Youth Development - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi (MYD) undertook this research to better understand Rainbow young peoples’ (16-24 year-olds) experiences of COVID-19 during alert level 3 and 4 lockdowns and the pandemic generally.
Rainbow Youth evaluation framework and practice safety review (2020)
RainbowYOUTH commissioned Point to do a safety review to ensure clear processes for managing risk which align to best practice and to evidence the way the service creates positive change for young people, their whānau and the community.
Billy Graham Youth Foundation Evaluation (2019-current)
The Billy Graham Foundation wants to have “national impact at the local level” and “learn as we go”. The Foundation have partnered with Point for three years to understand the impact they are having on young people and their host communities, and identify where there are opportunities for improvement so the Foundation and the academies can achieve their vision.
Paired Up Service Evaluation (2019 - 2020)
Peers support workers who have their own experiences of mental distress support young people to develop skills and resources to get through the tough times.
Bridge to Employment (2017 - 2019)
Working together, Johnson & Johnson, secondary and postsecondary schools, and community organizations develop programs that feature academic enrichment, career readiness and exploration activities, and higher education preparation.
Young people’s experience of communication within youth justice in Aotearoa New Zealand (2017)
Thirteen young people who have experience with the youth justice system in New Zealand were interviewed in July and August 2017. This report shares these young peoples’ experiences of communication, and voices their ideas about the youth justice workforce.
“This is Our Story” Evaluation of the Ranui 135 youth agency (2016)
West Auckland-based youth agency Ranui 135 coordinates services and activities, including mentoring, leadership camps, weekly sports activities, career planning, employment pathways and a new social media project which upskills young people in event planning and management.
Voices of tamariki and rangatahi in care: Ombudsman research (2020 - 2021)
This research was commissioned by the Ombudsman to provide key insights into the design of new communications channels and content to support and facilitate the Children in Care complaints process.
Project Restore
Restorative justice is an opportunity for people who have been harmed, and those responsible for the harm, to come together talk about what happened and why, how they have been harmed. Point is working with Project Restore to evaluate their restorative justice model.
Communities of Readers
Reading for pleasure is one of the most important indicators for the future success of a child, improving literacy, learning, health and wellbeing and social outcomes. This report helps to understand the conditions that could help grow communities of readers, how to make books and reading for pleasure more accessible and how reading projects might be sustained.
Auckland Museum Natural Sciences Gallery Feasibility Study (2021)
Auckland Museum commissioned Point to undertake a feasibility study of the redevelopment of the Natural Science Galleries.
Auckland Central Library Report (2020)
Auckland Council commissioned Point to find out how people use Auckland Central Library, what is most valued by users and their future needs and aspirations to inform a business case for redevelopment of the library.
Building One (2020)
Point undertook a needs analysis to help Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau and the Crown (the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development better understand how this heritage site could be given a new lease of life as a cultural heritage, community arts, creative and well-being hub while it is vacant, and its longer-term future is decided.
Howick Chinese New Year Project (2020)
Point engaged with residents in Puketāpapa who celebrate Lunar New Year to understand how they want to celebrate future festivals.
Connecting communities and education (2010 - 2020)
CEC was a 10-year, multi site initiative of the JR McKenzie Trust for which Point provided evaluation support and guidance.
Showing Impact: a Toolkit for Auckland local board-funded groups (2019)
This step-by-step social impact measurement process helps Auckland local board-funded groups to: create a simple social impact (contribution) statement; create a simple plan to help assess impact; Understand what basic data needs to be collected, and the tools to collect it; and report on the changes and learn and make adapt in response to feedback.
Hei Māreikura, Hei Mauriora (MPHS Community) (2017-2019)
This evaluation captured the impact of a community-based coaching initiative that empowers vulnerable women.